Thursday, July 7, 2011

Astral Projection - How to Leave Your Body Willingly

Everyone leaves their body at night though not all remember; to be conscious when it happens is truly wonderful. The title is really a play on words, 'willingly' implies that one is not forced out of their body leaving with no objection, it could also mean that one leaves their body on purpose, ie. they 'will' themselves out.

I have heard from people who find themselves astral projecting and they don't really want to be, for some reason it is something they can't stop though they want to. I have also heard from people who would like to learn to will themselves out of their body. For the people who leave their bodies spontaneously the only way to come to terms with it, if you are not comfortable with these experiences, is to learn all you can about the astral realms. In this way much of the fear and uncertainty will disappear. There are many benefits to out-of-body experiences and it is worth all the effort to overcome any fear issues.

Astral projecting at will involves dedication, commitment and consistency. You need to programme yourself to learn the skill and practise techniques, just like you would practise any other skill you wished to learn. When we first learn to swim we have to get used to the water, we have to become accustomed to how the water feels and we have to learn to float. We start off with a few simple strokes and gradually we get better and better but we must keep up the lessons and keep up the practice. Learning Astral Projection is the same as learning any other skill except that this skill takes us into our selves, deep into who we really are.

So the first thing we have to have is desire, we have to want to astral project, then we have to start to go deeper into who we are. We can do that by looking at our dreams, writing down each one in as much detail as possible, this will help dream recall and so will aid our astral projection memory. We also need to choose a technique which is most suitable to us, there are many books written on Astral Projection and Out-of-Body Experiences that describe many different techniques. Choose the one that suits you. Consistency and commitment are essential, don't give up, you have to be diligent in practice and know that you can astral project. There is no room for doubt.

We all astral project at night so basically we have to try to stay awake, keep our minds awake, in order to consciously go with the experience and bring back the memory afterwards. Remembering our dreams is the first step in the direction of successful astral projection. We need to commit ourselves to our goal and continually work towards it.

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Pop over to my podcast page to hear me talk about my first out-of-body experience and the wonders of astral projection - -

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