Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Did You Know - Your Child Only Needs To Know 25 Words To Read One Third Of The English Language?

According to The Reading Teachers Book of Lists the first 25 words on the list of most common words make up approximately one-third of all written material in English, and that the first 100 words make up one-half of all writing in English.

This is very good news for any parent who wants to teach their child to read early.

As a parent, undertaking the task to teach your child to read before they enter the school system can seem very daunting. However, armed with the information I mentioned above, the task can now become, if you pardon the pun, child's play.

In order to confirm this information, I decided to put it to the test by using my son's first reading book: Winnie the Pooh's - A Treasure Hunt, as my test material.

To begin with, I researched the 100 Most Common Words in the English Language (using Wikipedia as my source). From these 100 words I discovered that the 25 most common words in the English language are:

Listed in rank from No.1 to No. 25

* the
* be
* to
* of
* and
* a
* in
* that
* have
* I
* it
* for
* not
* on
* with
* he
* as
* you
* do
* at
* this
* but
* his
* by
* from

Children are amazing learners and will learn anything at a very rapid pace. The easiest way to teach your child to read is to simply begin by teaching them these 100 most common words, starting with the 1st 25 and then progressing to the next 75.

By simply learning 100 simple words your child will be able to read 50% of a book! This is truly remarkable.

So, going back to my experiment, I counted every word in A Treasure Hunt. There are 160 words in total in this book, of which 102 are common words. This means that 63% of the words in my son's first reading book are common words.

In order to verify the "25 words = one third of a book" rule, I also counted the 25 most common words in A Treasure Hunt. It turned out that 29.4% of the words in the book are indeed from this list of 25 most common words. Not very far off from the one third mark as you can see.

What all this actually means is that because my son has been taught the 100 most common words already, at the very least, he can already read 63% of his 1st book without my help.

This is a totally fulfilling and confidence building event for a child and leads to their first adult moment; when they can sit by themselves and read a book. Reading, like everything else, is a habit that children form at an early age; one that they will need if they wish to be successful in the future.

According to the National Council on Teachers of English Standards for the English Language Arts; "to participate fully in society and the workplace in 2020, citizens will need powerful literacy abilities that until now have been achieved by only a small percentage of the population".

Learning these 100 common words is essential in acquiring basic reading skill in English and this is the simplest and easiest way to begin to teach your child to read.

If you have a system, it can be even quicker and easier and you can have your child reading a book, like the one I mentioned above, within 30 days!

Being the one to teach your child their 1st words is one of the most amazing and rewarding experiences a parent can have. For a FREE mini course on the "Secrets to Successfully Teach Your Child To Read", go to http://www.yourchildcanreadin30days.com

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