Monday, October 31, 2011

Top Five Accessible Master of Software Engineering Degrees

A graduate program that awards the Master of Software Engineering degree is not as easy to find as you might think. Many universities today make include software engineering as an area of concentration for the graduate degree in computer science or computer engineering. Software engineering remains an afterthought in many graduate level programs at the high profile schools, although many of those universities offer an undergraduate degree in the field. A degree devoted solely to software engineering is, at the graduate level, often made available only to working professionals. This list of resources for the degree is compiled from schools that have a respected school of computer science, have a manageable tuition structure and offer a terminal graduate degree in software engineering.

New Jersey Institute of Technology is the state's principal academic institution for technology and management degrees. The NJIT offers masters degrees and doctoral programs in the principal engineering fields, architecture, and a wide range of IT programs. The Master of Science in Software Engineering is a comparatively new program offered by the Department of Computer Science designed to equip students with advanced knowledge of the concepts, techniques, skills and tools for developing modern large-scale software systems. This is clearly a business oriented degree.

University of Maryland offers the Master of Software Engineering as a collaboration between the College Park campus and the University's professional education division, University College. The thirty six credit curriculum has several courses in project design and management, preparing students for supervisory roles in software and systems design. Electives include a course in Engineering Economics & Financial Analysis and an Introduction to Artificial Intelligence.

Arizona State University has one of the highest ranked computer and electrical engineering programs in the country. They are also proactive in the development of online degree options; the Master of Science in Software Engineering is available to Arizona students on campus and to students from across the country online. This program incorporates instruction for designing and developing software projects with the business and management skills needed to manage a team engaged in software systems development or redesign.

Santa Clara University turns out many of the computer science and computer engineering graduates that go to work in the Silicon Valley firms located throughout the region where the campus is located. The Master of Science in Software Engineering requires applicants to have an undergraduate degree in computer science or engineering; or to pass the computer science section of the GRE exam. This degree is oriented to the science and technology of software development with a minimum of the curriculum devoted to project management. The programming requirement in the program may be waived for professionals who have at least a year's experience.

University of Minnesota offers a two year program for the Master of Science in Software Engineering that is designed for professionals who have work experience in software development or a related field. The course load is flexible enough to allow students to continue working, and classes are taught on alternating Fridays and Saturdays so that normal work hours are not significantly disrupted. There is an industrial seminar series incorporated into the curriculum that includes instruction in software re-engineering & maintenance, as well as a course on legal and intellectual property issues.

Bob Hartzell writes for several websites on graduate education programs found both on campus and online.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Why Should You Learn French? Five Good Reasons Revealed!

If you look around the web, you will come across a great many opportunities to learn French, especially through online courses.

But you may well ask, why learn French and not another language? After all, there are thousands of languages out there! And learning French CAN be tricky, as I outlined in a recent article.

Firstly, as someone who was brought up bilingual (not French, another MUCH less 'major' language), let me tell you that in a sense it's not important which language you learn, just speaking any foreign language is a huge advantage. It massively broadens your outlook on life, gives you the ability to identify with people from other cultures (until you learn their language, you will be under the delusion that they think like you do - they don't!) and last but not least, once you have learned one language it gets a whole lot more easier learning others.

So if you are thinking of signing up for a language course, perhaps online, why choose French? Well, try these five reasons:

  1. French has a GREAT deal in common with English. Did you know that 30% of all the words in the English language originate from French?! So you already know a huge number of French words, you just don't know it! If you sign up to learn French online you will quickly realise that you understand lots of French, which means learning it can be quicker than many other languages.
  2. French is one of the official languages of the EU. The European Union cannot use all 23 of the languages of its member states for practical purposes, so they have what they call 'procedural languages'. These languages are mostly used for communication in the EU, and they are German, English and... of course... French. Sign up for an online French course and you will have the chance to learn a language which is at the centre of European politics.
  3. French is one of the official languages of the United Nations!Similarly, the UN has six official languages, one of them being French. Learn French and you will know a language of high-level international politics!
  4. French is the key to learning other Latin languages. The French language originates from the Latin language, the same as Spanish, Italian and several others. Work through an online French course and afterwards you will find it very easy to learn a similar language such as Spanish.
  5. Learning French improves your English!Learning any language improves your feel for language in general. Also, when we use a word of French origin in English it tends to have a 'higher' meaning. An 'envoy' is really just a messenger (from the French envoyer - 'to send'), but is mostly used in international politics and diplomacy. There are many such examples but the point is that learning a word in French will often also teach you or refresh for you the meaning of a 'high register' English word. So learning French can actually have a positive impact on your English!

There are lots more ways that learning French could benefit you, (though of course ANY language is worth learning!), but hopefully if you are perhaps considering signing up for an online French course, this article will have convinced you to take a decision and go for it now!

Don't sign up for an online French course until you have checked out Mark's reviews of online French courses. Also, you should definitely read up on Why An Online Course before making a choice!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Join Online Classes for Achieving CNA Certification

Sometimes a question comes to the mind of certain individuals who are unable to attend the CNA classes regularly due to time clashes or some other problems. The question is that whether there are any online CNA classes available that provide flexible timing opportunity. The answer to this is yes, there are many online sites that provide CNA training programs to the individuals. Everybody, who is in need for the online classes, can join them and prepare for the certification exam simultaneously.

The main features of the online CNA training programs are mentioned below:
• The online Certified Nurse Aide classes offer flexible time opportunities to the students and hence it becomes quite convenient for them to opt for these classes.
• Moreover, the applicants who, are currently working, can continue with their jobs and simultaneously obtain proper training from the online CNA programs.
• In addition to these, the candidates, who can not spare enough time to attend campus based programs, the online classes prove to be a real boon
• One of the major benefits of the online training is that the applicants get an opportunity to prepare for the exam for obtaining certification in order to become a certified nursing assistant.
• The questions offered in the online practice tests are of the same pattern that is seen in the CNA certification exam.

These online training programs have made it quite easier for everybody to acquire all the basic nursing skills and get prepared to pass the certification examination of nursing. The students are required to keep the below mentioned points in their minds in order to obtain CNA certification:
• The exam consists of 2 levels, the first one is a written test which is accompanied by the second level called as the skill test
• Written test comprises of questions related to basic nursing skills
• The students who manage to pass the written test are allowed to appear in the skill test that checks the knowledge of the specific skills of nursing possessed by the applicants.
• A minimum of 80% marks are required to become a certified nursing assistant

Hence, by becoming a part of the online classes, the aspiring nursing assistants can fulfill their dream of obtaining CNA certification with much ease.

You can read more on online CNA classes and can get more details on CNA certification

Friday, October 28, 2011

Best Undergraduate Schools - Choosing the Right School for You

Finding the best undergraduate schools can be a really daunting task these days. There are numerous lists posted on the Internet that claim to indicate which programs are the best in the USA. The reality is that the undergraduate program for one individual may not be best for the next person.

There are numerous variables you should consider before deciding on the best school for you. For instance:

1. Does the school offer the degree you intend to pursue?
2. What is the reputation of a given school for the degree program you intend to pursue?
3. What are the admission requirements of the school?
4. Who is the accrediting organization for the school?
5. What is the per unit cost to attend the school?
6. What is the physical location of the school?
7. Do you want to attend a brick and mortar school, an online school, or a school that offers a combination of classroom and online courses?
8. Are you interested in some "video learn" courses or do you want instructor led courses only?

One of the most critical factors when selecting a school is making sure the school is accredited. You don't want to make the mistake of choosing a non-accredited school. All of the best colleges are fully accredited and listed in the US Government's Database of Accredited Programs and Institutions.

Gone are the days when all of the best universities are strictly brick and mortar, classroom based. Some of the best schools in the country offer Internet based courses that can be taken at the student's convenience.

Some of the Internet based courses use video learning as a tool for teaching as opposed to having a full time instructor. One of the best features of such a course is that the student can progress at their own pace through the material.

By far the most efficient way to find the best undergraduate school for your personal objectives is to use a free enrollment advisor service. The way it works is you call up and speak directly to an enrollment advisor toll free, or else you fill out a short survey online.

Based on your responses, the enrollment advisor provides you with a list of the best undergraduate school programs that fit your profile.

This article was written by the owner of Best Undergraduate Schools, an organization dedicated to connecting potential college students with free enrollment advisors.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Effectiveness of ELearning for Rail Training

Effectiveness of eLearning

There are many drivers that regularly rear themselves (economic recession, missed contracts, higher share-yield, industry contraction, etc.). But the result is the same world-wide: managers are required to get more from less. So, when a rail organisation invests in training, the question is, "How do we get more from less?"

With the drive towards competency in the rail industry, the question of getting more from less is very pertinent. Quality eLearning (on-line learning, distance education, etc.) has many advantages, with few downsides.

Cost advantages

Reduced travel costs:

Eliminate most costs (time and money) travelling to a venue, by doing as much as possible on-line.

No meal or accommodation costs:

Reduce, if not eliminate, all accommodation expenses and meal expenses by reducing in-class training.

Reduced trainer costs:

Trainer costs are reduced as quality interactive eLearning will still have some monitoring and input from trainers, especially in the skills-development component.

No venue costs:

Venue costs are totally removed along with training infrastructure. Many organisations would love to convert training rooms into more meeting rooms. By the way, the cost of hosting eLearning is far less than training room costs.

Repeatability savings:

When training (such as induction; graduate, track safety awareness, site safety or compliance training) have to be repeated to different work groups, work sites or at different times, then the savings of a well-constructed eLearning program is realised each time it is offered - repeatedly. What is saved? All of the above, and that's a huge repeatable saving!

Learning advantages

Caters best to different learning preferences:

We know that people prefer to learn in different ways. Some learn best by reading, others need to see or hear in order to learn best, and yet others can only learn after engaging in activity. Educators have struggled for years to bring all these modes together in the one classroom, but with eLearning it can be done easily.

Advantages of resource-rich learning:

eLearning can provide links to web sites, documents to download, videos, Flash animations, drawings, technical manuals, forums, learning games, quizzes, case studies, testing and progress-tracking (to name a few). This resource richness inspires and motivates learners to progress through the material by catering to their learning preferences.

Allows self-paced learning:

With all the resources at hand 24 X 7, learners can progress through the learning at their own pace. The resources are available to review as many times as required and at any pace or in any chunks that the learner feels comfortable with.

Objective learning and assessment:

eLearning is delivered to participants by computer and participants are assessed by computer, so by its very nature, eLearning is very objective. This objectivity qualifies eLearning to be fair, consistent and flexible. eLearning can also objectively assess participants throughout the learning material (diagnostic/formative) as well as at the end of the learning (final/summative grading). Pre-tests (to ensure participants are ready for the learning) and post-tests (to measure what has been learnt since the pre-test) are also easily-used strategies.


Establishment costs:

Creating an eLearning environment has a cost. Purchases such as secure web servers, Learning Management System software, employment of a web master and creation of backup and storage sites need to be made. These costs may be cheaper overall than establishing a physical training venue, but some organisations choose to have both a physical and a virtual classroom, giving them both the costs. Affiliate hosting of the eLearning will remove extra establishment cost.

Higher single-lesson development cost:

To design, develop and assemble all the required resources and media into structured eLearning is much more costly than face-to-face training. In fact, a cost-benefit analysis should be conducted before any eLearning is started. But, given any situation like a repeatedly offered course, then the return on investment soon comes.

The workplace situation:

Computer access and computing skills are rarely an eLearning issue in today's workplaces. But the heavy workloads of participants (and thus their capacity to take time out and complete any eLearning) are a problem. eLearning still needs participants to devote enough time, but unlike a face-to-face class (where attendance is expected) the eLearner requires discipline to find this time. We have found that eLearners need to book out their diary as if they are attending a traditional class and thus give themselves the opportunity to succeed.

Rail Training

In summary, eLearning has many advantages over conventional learning. When eLearning is correctly designed and costed; it is delivered by experts; and it specifically suits the needs of a rail organisation or the industry, then the benefits are there to be had... repeatedly.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Speak Advanced French - Pitfalls of The Most Important Verb: Etre

The most important verb in French is être (to be). If you want to speak French fluently, this is the verb you have to know inside out. Much of the usage of this verb is quite straightforward because it resembles usage of 'to be' in English. But there are some pitfalls that you want to avoid because it is easy to make terrible mistakes by transposing English usages into French.

Resemblances with 'to be'

Just like it's English counterpart, être is the key verb for describing things, assigning attributes and locating things in space, as in:

Je suis satisfait. (I'm satisfied)

Tu es heureuse. (You are happy)

Suzie est une belle femme. (Suzie is a pretty woman)

Pierre et moi sommes contents. (Pierre and I are content)

Vous êtes riches. (You are rich)

Elles sont à Paris cette semaine. (They are in Paris this week)

When using être, pay particular attention to gender and number agreement.

Pitfall # 1

When speaking of occupations or roles, you can leave out the un or une, as in:

Je suis avocat instead of Je suis un avocat. (I am a lawyer)

Maryse est musicienne. (Maryse is a musician)

Elle est comedienne. (She is an actress)

Pitfall # 2

Certain adjectives are used with 'to be' in English but not so in French.

J'ai 20 ans. (I'm 20 years old)

Avez-vous faim? (Are you hungry?)

Non, merci, mais j'ai soif. (No, thank you, but I'm thirsty)

J'ai sommeil. (I'm sleepy)

Elle a froid. (She's cold)

Nous avons eu chaud. (We were warm)

Il fait 10 degrés en ville. (It's 10 degrees in the city)

Ils ont raison. (They are right)

A common mistake is Je suis fini instead of J'ai terminé for 'I'm finished'.

Pitfall # 3

When introducing oneself, use the verb s'appeler instead of être.

Instead of Bonjour, je suis Jennifer, say

Bonjour, je m'appelle Jennifer. (Hello, my name is Jennifer)

Pitfall # 4

English uses extensively 'there is' and 'there are' as in:

There is an accident at the corner.

There are many reasons for not going.

French uses Il y a instead, as in:

Il y a beaucoup à faire. (There's much to be done)

Il y a trop de voitures. (There are too many cars)

Pitfall # 5

One of the reasons être is so common is that is used as an auxiliary verb to create the past tense of a small number (about 14) of very common verbs. All the other verbs use avoir. Here are some examples:

Je suis né en 1990. (I was born in 1990)

Nous sommes partis tôt ce matin. (We left early this morning)

Elle est allée à l'école. (She went to school)

Vous êtes arrivés trop tard. (You've arrived too late)

La neige est tombée hier. (The snow fell yesterday)

Ils sont sortis tout de suite. (They came out right away)

Elle est décédée vers 15 h. (She passed away around 3 pm)

Merci d'être venu. (Thank you for coming)

A very common mistake here is to use avoir instead of être. Forms such as j'ai tombé and elle a parti are very wrong although sometimes heard.

Stanley St-Yves Aleong believes that the best way to move from intermediate to advanced fluency in French or Spanish is to work with many carefully selected authentic examples. To learn more about a wall-chart learning tool based on this principle, visit Advanced French / Spanish

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Go Beyond the Usual - Start With A Psychology Course Then Get Your Degree

Do you have interest in minds and behavior? Would you like to know how to help others or influence their behavior? You may want to study psychology and find the answers! There are very diverse career paths available for a psychology graduate. You can study behavior, help modify it in others, counsel victims and take part in new research to unlock more mysteries of the mind.

After earning your degree in psychology, you have the option of becoming a counselor for those who have been abused or neglected. Although this may seem like a depressing subject to work with, many people desperately need the help of a mental health professional. Your listening and understanding could help neglected or abused children grow up without fear or shame because of their pasts.

Criminal psychologists have a very important job. They can interpret data given to them by police and compile a profile and behavior analysis to help find a criminal. They can also speak with the criminals after they have been jailed to determine what went wrong in their lives that made them do the horrible things they were convicted of.

Every now and then even happy and healthy couples need to seek therapy to work out some issues. As a couple's therapist, you would be able to utilize your psychology degree to analyze communication breakdowns, as well as destructive behavior, in relationships. Your hard work may help save relationships and heal marriages.

After earning your psychology degree, you may choose not to work with people directly if you do not wish to. Behavioral analysts and theorists can use video footage, along with testimonies, to research behavior patterns, as well as try to discover new ones.

It may seem like a difficult task to try to find room in your schedule between work, personal relationships and possibly taking care of children to earn your degree. If you do not think that going to campus on weekends or at night to complete your degree just to work around your nine to five job sounds appealing, look into online courses. Many accredited universities understand how difficult it is to obtain a degree while working. Course work offered online is available twenty four seven to students. This means you may check into school and take in a lecture without even leaving your couch!

After obtaining your bachelors degree in psychology, you are able to do many things within the field. If you prefer to be a psychiatrist and have the ability to write prescriptions to help people deal with their issues, you will need to go to graduate school and earn your masters degree in psychology.

If you are interested in the strange behavior patterns of criminals, pathological liars, or others who fall outside the norm, you may want to look into earning your psychology degree. There are many career paths to choose from and a psychology course could give you ideas who never considered before. If you choose, a degree in psychology leaves the door open for you to earn your masters degree and practice as a doctor, with scholarship funds reducing your financial obligations. There are so many opportunities a psychology degree would provide you; there is every reason to start looking into programs at accredited schools.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Are Ghosts Real? The Shocking Truth About Spirits and Apparitions They Don't Want You to Know

Are ghosts real? Do apparitions exist....or are they simply a figment of our collective imagination, the byproduct of silly, small minded people who will believe anything? In this article, we're going to take a closer look at ghosts, spirits and apparitions...and see if we can't shine a bright light on what may REALLY be going on when they appear to "appear"..:-) Curious to know more? Continue reading as we take a closer look below.

Filed Under: Apparitions are MUCH more Common Then They'd Have you Believe

Of course, they're not always referred to as ghosts....or apparitions, but some studies suggest that OVER 50% of us will have at least one experienced with an ethereal being in our lives. As a matter of fact, ADC's, or After Death Communications, are thought to happen with high frequency in 2 distinct populations of people.

Spouses who have lost their significant other....within 18 months of death
Parents who have lost a child within 2-5 years of death

As a matter of fact, there have been MANY very serious books written about death bed visions in hospices and hospitals around the GLOBE...with the classic "On Death and Dying" by world famous Physician Elizabeth Kubler Ross revealing what MANY doctors, nurses already privately KNEW was true:

Many people.....on their death beds, have very lucid, very engaging conversations with their loved ones who have crossed over....often seeing them in the room, and becoming animated and excited for the first time in weeks, months and even, in the cases of some Alzheimer patients, coherent for the first time in years! (even Ronald Regan was said to have had a similar experience, and became awake and alert immediately before he died)

Are these visions ghosts....apparitions or spirits, or as skeptics are prone to charge, simply hallucinations of an oxygen deprived mind?

What about when MULTIPLE people experience the same visions of apparitions? Or when information is imparted from these visits that would be IMPOSSIBLE to explain or to obtain from a hallucination?

What about cases where people have vivid encounters with spirits, using psychic mediums, where specific and actionable intelligence is offered......that is later cooperated and discovered to be true? (as in, where important artifacts are stored, or in murder cases where a body is involved, or a suspect is identified)

The truth is, in TOTALITY....the evidence for an afterlife, and the existence of some sort of survival of our consciousness is VERY, very persuasive. And before you dismiss the evidence as silly, it's critical to LEARN the true facts...and the sort of stuff you DON'T see on TV. (but is amazing, true and if you've experienced it first hand like me, enough to change your mind FOREVER as well..:-)

Want to see a REAL Ghost Video right now?

Click Here for the most SHOCKING ghost video that the skeptics CAN'T explain away! (Exciting....but True!)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Reasons Why You Should Learn to Speak Chinese

Since China is now fast becoming one of the super power nations in the world, it is only natural to want to learn to speak in Chinese in order to remain globally competitive today. Note that China right now is the second largest economy in the world which means that there are numerous opportunities that you can acquire career-wise if you can speak the Chinese language. If you try to learn Chinese and you succeed in being able to speak it fluently, then you will have a huge economic advantage in this ever-growing and competitive world of business.

Nobel Prize Winner Robert Mundell has stated that China is quickly becoming very advanced in technology which gives them tremendous influence when dealing with powerful nations such as the United States. At present time, China has become one of the largest trading partners of the US wherein more than 16,000 US companies sell products in China and and of course China sells US products. Aside from being known as the factory of the world where many of the products are built; it is also becoming the place where these products are actually designed. Just note that if you do decide to take up Chinese, choose Mandarin since this gives you more edge business-wise; plus it is the most commonly used Chinese language in the world

To add to that, 1/5th of the world's population lives in China. This means that if you decide to learn to speak Chinese, you can definitely bump into someone with whom you can communicate with - it does not matter where in the world you are. Remember too, that there are many "China-towns" all across the world and these can be found in places and tourist destinations such as New York and San Francisco. You will never have a lack of people to practice with since there are native Chinese speakers all over the world.

With regards to being the most dominant economy in Asia, China is definitely at the top spot. There are several countries that have large Chinese speaking populations including Indonesia, Malaysia, and Philippines. It has also been pointed out in the CIA fact book that the countries of Thailand, Singapore and Cambodia use Chinese as one of their principal languages.

As you learn to speak Chinese you will also learn what makes their culture so diverse; its people and customs. It also connects you to history and gives you an idea on how civilization was in the past which allows you to have a better understanding of the present. Moreover, the Chinese culture is so rich in tradition and has so many interesting beliefs that are still being applied today such as Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology. Furthermore, China has also contributed a lot in the area of the arts, education, health and well-being; medicine, science and technology.

Learn how enjoyable it is to Speak Chinese. Speak and understand Conversational Chinese with this Free 6 Day Course. Get Instant Access to Free course and receive your first lesson in minutes. Learn to speak Chinese. Visit=> Free Chinese Course

Saturday, October 22, 2011

How to Gain an Education in Coaching Online

There are a number of educational training programs for you to choose from when looking to gain an education in coaching. Coaching professionals are trained to work with various people on accomplishing either business or personal goals. You can receive the necessary training to enter into this filed with the skills and knowledge to succeed. Training is available to you at a number of levels and a variety of areas. You can follow a number of steps to ensure that you enroll in the program that meets your individual needs and goals.

1. The first step is to decide that you want to pursue a career in coaching. You should decide on the level of education you would like to obtain. Certificates can be earned as well as degrees, at a variety of educational levels. You can pursue the education of your choice by deciding on the level of education needed to enter your desired career in the field. You will also need to decide on the area of specialty you would like to enter. You can pursue a career in business, life, and personal coaching. Online schools and colleges allow you to choose the program that meets your career and educational needs.

2. The second step would be to research available online coaching schools and colleges to see which educational options are available. This can be done by finding educational training programs that offer certificates and degrees in the field. You can request more information from the program that fits your educational goals and enroll in the certificate or degree program of your choice. Accredited educational training programs are available to provide you with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the field of coaching. You can prepare for career training by ensuring that you enter the program that is right for you.

3. Step three is to enroll in an online educational program to begin the training needed to earn your desired certificate or degree. You will need to study and complete all required coursework in order to graduate. Coursework will vary by level of education and program but may consist of online courses in psychology, philosophy, relationships, communication, personal growth, human behavior, and much more. By studying these types of courses you will have the training needed to start a successful career in coaching.

4. The last and final step is to meet all requirements for obtaining your degree or certificate in order to graduate. With an accredited online education in this exciting field you will be able to enter the workforce prepared for the career of your dreams. You can start looking for employment and begin your coaching career.

Accredited online coaching programs are available to provide you with the education you need to pursue the career you desire. Not all programs are required to carry accreditation so make sure to look into it prior to enrollment. Full accreditation is provided by agencies such as the International Coach Federation ( to online schools and colleges that meet certain criteria. You can begin your journey by enrolling in the program that meets your needs and goals today.

DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERIC OUTLINE and may or may not depict precise methods, courses and/or focuses related to ANY ONE specific school(s) that may or may not be advertised at

Copyright 2010 - All rights reserved by

Renata McGee is a staff writer for Locate Online Coaching Schools and Colleges as well as Campus Based Coaching Schools and Colleges at, your Partners in Education and Tuition Assistance Programs.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Home Depot Scholarship For School Program

The Home Depot Trade Scholarship Program is available for those who wish to attend an accredited trade school. If you are one of the many people across the country who cannot afford to go to school for a degree or certification, then you will want to look into what this particular scholarship can offer you. Home Depot has a long history of giving back to communities all over the country, and this is just one way of doing it. In order to provide future construction workers and contractors with a way to get their education and training, this company offers a $500 scholarship to those who qualify.

Home Depot recognizes the fact that there are currently thousands of students in need of scholarship money to attend a certain trade program that will help them to get their training and certification, which is why they have set up this scholarship fund.

So far the Home Depot Scholarship Program has awarded over 600 students funds for their college education and $500 to each person who qualifies. In September 2010 the scholarships will be distributed to each student who has been accepted into the program. There is also the George A. Lottier Scholarship Fund which has also been set up by Home Depot for students who need a way of going to a trade school but do not have the money to pay for it.

This scholarship fund has given hundreds of students a way to go to school to get the training they need to pursue the kind of career that they want. Each year this fund awards $125,000 to various students all over the country. They work close with many communities and can provide you with the chance to enter into a certain undergraduate program at an accredited college or university. In order to get the process started you will have to fill out an application form. Once you receive the funds you need, you will be able to start your college education and work towards opening numerous doors with regards to your future career, whatever it may be.

Learn more about funding school including Left Handed Scholarships and Scholarships for Older Adults.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Do You Want to Learn an American Accent Quickly?

Do you want to learn an American accent quickly? If so, you are in the right place! In this article I'm going to show you three steps that you should take to do it. Here they are!

1. Develop a routine

Develop a routine to practice at least 15-30 minutes every single day. Really, it's super helpful and important to develop a habit to practice daily. You need to make learning an American accent a priority if you really want to learn it quickly. You can't procrastinate, you must take action every day.

2. Start with the rules

Start with the rules of an American accent: the rules of pronunciation and intonation. In my opinion these are the most important things that you need to learn. You should also learn how to connect words together. Native speakers don't speak word by word. It will make you speak with a better accent almost instantly.

3. Live through American English

The last step is to immerse yourself in American English and practice as much as you can. The best idea is to interact with native speakers (face to face or online). You can also work on your accent by repeating after the speakers while listening to podcasts, music or watching movies. The key is to listen closely, imitate and compare your accent to that of a native speaker.

That's it - three steps to learn an American accent quickly! I'm sure that if you take action and follow these steps, you'll improve your accent in no time. However it doesn't mean that you can greatly improve your accent overnight - it will take you at least a few weeks or a few months!

Bonus: 4. Get free lessons on how to learn an American accent
Visit and sign up right now to get your FREE lessons on how to learn an American accent!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Can I SPEAK to the Dead? Warning! What They WON'T Tell You About Spirit Communication

Can I speak to the dead? Can my loved ones who have crossed over still communicate? And IF so... HOW so? In this article we are going to take a quick and insightful look at spirit communication, and learn some of the EYE opening methods many mediums, and ordinary folks have been using to talk to the other side for hundreds of years... and more! Curious to know more? Continue reading as we take a closer look below!

The GOOD news?

We are all equipped with the ability to communicate with the other side. We each have an energy... and an insight, that can be harnessed, refined and cultivated to see, sense and speak to spirits, our loved ones, or ANY energy that resides in the next world.

Did you know, for EXAMPLE...

That there are many mediums who have been studied by SKEPTICAL scientists, who have been able to demonstrate and produce FULL body apparitions, during seances and sittings, and some of the very BEST minds have been convinced they were authentic? (including Sir Alfred Wallace, co-founder of the theory of Evolution, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the author of Sherlock Holmes)

(most mediums CAN'T do this... and it IS controversial, but there is MUCH good evidence than this has been demonstrated by multiple mediums, in large groups where 100% of the attendants were convinced what they saw was authentic, and impossible to explain otherwise)

I've personally used a OUIJA board on many occasions... with bizarre, exciting and ELECTRIFYING results.

Meditation, and the development, cultivation and practice of developing your psychic powers can be an AMAZING way to have exceptional experiences with ethereal energies on the other side... including speaking and seeing your deceased relatives and loved ones.

Did you know that during our final moments, more than 50% of us will SEE, hear or speak to unseen entities that we believe are those that have already crossed over? It's true, and as many who work in hospice or hospital settings can attest, these are very REAL experiences, with the patient displaying a lucidity, and clear headed excitement they haven't had in weeks or months. (and not the fragmented eccentricity that marks a hallucination, or an imaginary conversation)

As a MATTER of fact...

The famous doctor, and pioneer of the phrase NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE, Raymond Moody, has just written a new book about SHARED death experiences, where people in the room see the same loved ones, and experience the whole array of amazing energies that engulf dying patients in a warm embrace, during their final moments.

The bottom line?

You CAN communicate with those who have crossed over before you, you WILL see them again, and you DON'T need to take my word for it to find out! Simply have your own experience with a psychic medium, or... try any of the many powerful practices PROVEN to facilitate contact when you're ready! (it WILL change your mind... and your life, I promise!)

Ready to Explore Your OWN Psychic Skills? Take our Psychic Test, GROW your psychic knowledge and get REAL psychic answers for FREE!

Need IMMEDIATE Psychic Help? Get it Here!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

German Pronunciation for Beginners: A Comparison of German and English Consonants

If you ask a native German how many letters are in the German alphabet, they'll most likely answer '26'. Indeed the German alphabet contains the same 26 letters as the English alphabet, but there are also 4 additional sounds that are written in a way that does not exist in English. These are the 3 vowels with umlauts (two dots above the letters a, o, and u) and a curious letter known colloquially as 'double s'. Let's take a look at the key similarities and differences in pronunciation between the two sets of consonants.

Consonants which are Identical

  • The letters f, k, m, n, p and t are pronounced exactly the same in German as they are in English.
  • The letter x is also pronounced the same, although it is rare in German, and usually found only in words of foreign origin.

Consonants which are Similar

  • The letters b, d and g are pronounced the same as in English when they are at the start of a word or syllable, but shift to sound like p, t and k when they are at the end of words or syllables. (In other words, they become 'unvoiced'.)
  • The letter c is usually found in combinations like 'ch' or 'ck', and in the rare occasions that it exists on its own, it sounds like the English letter k.
  • The letter h sounds like its English counterpart, except when it is at the end of words or syllables, and in this situation it is not pronounced.
  • The letter l is pronounced softly, similar to the English l in 'language'. It does not sound hard like the l in 'apple', for example.
  • The letter q is always followed by the letter u, and this combination sounds like the English letter combination 'kv'.
  • The letter z sounds like English ts.

Consonants which are Totally Different

  • The letter j is pronounced like the English letter y. For example, 'ja', the German word for yes.
  • The German letter r is well known for being rolled in the back of the throat, and therefore has a much more guttural sound than English r. It is, however, not pronounced when it is alone at the end of a word or syllable (eg. klar), or when it is before another consonant at the end of a word or syllable (eg. Wurst). In these situations, it affects the preceding vowel sound.
  • The German letter v is actually pronounced like English f.
  • The letter w is pronounced like English v.
  • The letter y is more like a vowel, sounding something like English u.

German Letter 'S'

  • When at the start of a word or syllable, the German s sounds like English z. At the end of a word or syllable, it sounds like English s.
  • When there is a double s sound in German, this is written as either 'ss', or with the unique letter known commonly as German double 's'. The technical name for this letter is 'eszett'. You'll know it when you see it, since it stands out prominently. If anything, it looks kind of like a handwritten capital B. Eszett is basically a substitute for 'ss', and it is pronounced the same way. However, it is only used in certain situations, and it indicates whether the vowel preceding it is pronounced short or long.

Steve Galvin is a language teacher and owner of leading German site, which is packed with free resources for anyone wanting to speak German the fun, fast and easy way. To ensure you get off to the right start, visit our website for lots of detailed tutorials on German words pronunciation.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Who Are The Most Productive Professors You Know? Learn From Your Colleagues

If I called you on the phone and said, "Please name the most productive professor you know," you would be able to answer that question with at least one name immediately. It is likely that you would start to think about (or even ask me), "Do you mean in teaching?" or "Do you mean in writing?" or "Do you mean the most productive overall?" or "What do you mean by productive?"

But we aren't having that conversation by phone. Instead, I am just going to prompt you to start to make a list of the faculty members you know - either currently, from when you were in graduate school, or just by reputation - who would be considered productive. Consider the following categories in making your list (because you really are going to write down these people's names):

  1. Teaching - Who are the people you know who are not only excellent teachers but they seem to "have it together" related to their teaching. Their materials are organized, they do not look harried on the way to (or from) class, and they seem to have a flow about how they plan for and manage their teaching throughout the term.
  2. Research - Who are the people you know who manage their research in such a way that they are highly productive and yet still reasonably pleasant to be around? [Note: I had to add that last part because you don't want to be one of the people who is productive in research but so stressed out, crazed, and unpleasant that they are unbearable to be around.] You can choose to write down the names of people who are in the same field as you are or the names of people who seem to be managing their research productively in other fields. We all have plenty to learn from one another (even those who are different from us!)
  3. Service/Outreach - This category is called by many different names and whatever it is called at your college/university, think about who seems to be productive related to their service. Who seems to be on the committees that are "high yield" (as my friend Dr. Melissa P called them) vs. committees that are "low yield?" Who are the people who are of service to the institution and the community and yet it has not consumed their entire life? You want to write down one or two names here.

So, once you have a list of 3 - 10 names, now what should you do? You should figure out who to contact first - and then contact that person within the week. Either make a phone call, send an email, ask for a walk-around-campus-with-a-cup-of-coffee meeting, or whatever makes the most sense. Then tell him or her why you have requested their expertise. You will find that people who are noted as being productive are honored that someone else has noticed and would be interested in learning some of their secrets.

Then listen VERY carefully and see what you can put into practice.

In about ten days, contact the next person on your list...and so on.

And for scores of sets of Productivity Tips for Professors like these, you're invited to join others around the globe who subscribe (free) to one of the Top Ten Productivity Tips series (info to be found at):


(c) 2010 Meggin McIntosh, Ph.D. | The Ph.D. of Productivity(tm) |

Through her company, Emphasis on Excellence, Inc., Meggin McIntosh, Ph.D. works with smart people who want to consistently keep their emphasis on excellence.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Online Degree Programs a New Way of Learning

Before the arrival of the internet, people generally had only one way to earn a college degree. Most people had to put off pursuing a college degree because it simply didn't fit into their busy lives and work schedules. Today, things have changed and online learning is the new way for working professionals to pursue a college degree and continue working at the same time. With so many online degree programs available, there is really no holding back. An online education is a new way to learn and a way to finally accomplish your education and career goals.

Online Learning: A new way to educate yourself
You will be amazed by the vast array of distance learning courses and online degree programs available today. With online learning, you can pursue degrees in all levels: certificates, diplomas, Associate, Bachelor, Master and Doctorate degrees. All are from reputable online accredited colleges and universities and can be completed from the comfort of your home or anywhere there is a computer and internet connection.

Pursuing an Online Education: The benefits
There is no doubt that online education is the way of the future. Choosing to complete your degree online can brighten your future in ways you can't even begin to imagine!

You can complete an online college degree program on your schedule, at your own pace, from the comfort and convenience of your home or anywhere you choose.

  • 24 hours a day, 7 days a week online access.
  • You will learn from experienced professionals with advanced degrees who are experts in their field.
  • Studies show that online learning is just as effective as the traditional classroom setting.
  • Participating in online discussions is much less intimidating for some than being in a traditional classroom environment.

Why Online Learning?
If you would like to pursue your degree but do not have the extra time to attend on campus classes, online degree programs can offer the freedom and flexibility that allows you to continue working and attending to family life and other activities while earning your college degree.

Being stuck in a low paying job with no college degree and no way out is now a thing of the past. Online learning is helping so many people to pursue their degrees and finally accomplishing their dreams - it can do the same for you!

The concept of E-Learning revolutionized the education sector and provide Online Degree which is being adopted by many universities around the world and in USA.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

How to Improve Your American English Speaking Skills

Are you looking for some tips on how to do it? If so, read on, because this article is for you. I'm going to show you three tips that will greatly help you do it! Here they are!

1. Listen to American English as much as you can

If you want to improve your speaking skills, you should speak and listen a lot. It will help you learn new words and improve your accent. So, listen to American podcasts or music, watch American movies or TV, interact with native speakers face to face or online. If you want to interact with native speakers online, you can...

2. Find a language partner

Use sites such as Italki or Livemocha to find native American speakers who are willing to speak with you in English in exchange for a conversation in your native language. You can use Skype (it's for free) to speak with them.

3. Improve your American accent

If you want to improve your speaking skills and become a fluent speaker, your should also work on your American accent. It will help you understand Americans better and speak more clearly. Pay close attention to the way you speak, listen closely to native speakers and imitate them. If you are really serious about your American English, then you should also learn the rules of an American accent.

That's it - three tips on how to improve your American English speaking skills. Don't forget to put them to use, practice every single day (for at least 15-30 minutes!) and be patient, because it takes time to improve your speaking skills. I'm sure that if you don't give up, you'll eventually achieve your goal. Good luck!

Bonus: 4. Get free lessons on how to learn an American accent
Visit and sign up right now to get your FREE lessons on how to learn an American accent!

Friday, October 14, 2011

How to Apply the Secret by First Learning Psychic Protection

Have you ever felt that you needed some form of psychic protection? Allot of people who struggle with applying the secret are saturated within an overwhelming amount of negative energy. That energy may come from your home environment. If your home is filled with a lot of arguments and strife on a regular basis that creates a strong negative force field. That field of energy then influences with your own aura making it very hard for you to attract the things that are new and rewarding to your life.

Besides this sort of negative energy in your home you may also face negative energy in the form of a willful intention. Have you ever felt that someone in your family had a strong dislike towards you? Did you ever consider creating some form of psychic protection to prevent yourself from being injured? If the thought ever come to you don't take it lightly.

Your psychic and intuitive self is always altering you to the people and things which may harm you. In that way you can safe guard yourself. All too often we like to think the best of our family members but never because someone is a family member that they are not prone to sending you psychic attacks. You may need to cleanse your aura from the negative influences of those around you.

Spouses can be a great contributor to psychic attacks because of the strong attachment they have with each other. Teenagers are also very strong forces because have not yet learned how to control their anger and confusion. An angry teenager is using their psychic forces every day to express their strong need for independence and this can transfer into intense psychic discord in your environment. It's necessary that you learn to diffuse this sort of energy and protect yourself psychically if you want to attract higher things into your life.

Psychic Protection is a Necessary In Order to Manifesting the Things You Want.
It has everything to do With Protecting YOUR Precious Vital Life force Energy.

Learn how to protect that energy. Sign up to Receive a Free Report on Psychic Protection. Also Learn the Secrets that many teachers will Not Tell you About Psychic Defense.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

All Masters Programs in Education Are Not Suited to Everyone

Each future teacher has his or her own idea concerning the type of instruction they wish to pursue. This is the primary reason there are a substantial number of Masters Programs in Education, all of which are focused on different experience and skill levels. In addition a teacher may begin proceeding down one path and decide to take a different direction later in his or her career. If different programs were not available, it would not be possible for future students to learn all of the things they desire to learn during their school and college years.

What about those teachers who are not sure what direction they wish to can may want to pursue some of the Masters Programs in Education before they make a final decision. That doesn't mean you can't change your direction by any means, but students can save a great deal of time if they make the right decision the first time. The best way for students to assure they choose the right one is to review several programs they find appealing. They may even choose to take some of the classes necessary to graduate with that educational program and develop a feel for the type of career they can expect.

Masters Programs in Education are designed to provide a good start for those students who wish to pursue a teaching career in those areas covered by the Masters program the student chooses. Whether it's early childhood education, post-secondary education, English or another area of expertise the student will be able to contribute to the learning experience of each student that enters his classroom. Choosing one that fit the interests of the teacher will ensure a lifelong commitment to the subject matter and students that are committed to learning.

Matt Black is the Online Degree Blogger. With hundreds of schools and thousands of degrees to choose from, making the right education choice can be overwhelming. If you are considering an online degree my blog can help you make the right choice.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Study Abroad Programs Offer Great Opportunities For Students, But Take Advance Planning

Studying abroad can be the most exciting experience a college student has. The chance to travel overseas, possibly learn a new language and interact in a new culture has all kinds of possibilities. Before a student travels overseas, there are a few things they may want to consider when choosing their destination and the program they enroll in.

Students who want to engage in this type of study should consider that they must qualify for the program they want to enroll in. Some programs require that students carry a GPA of at least 2.50, but other programs that have the most interest may require a GPA of at least 3.0. Often, these programs will require one or more letters of recommendation, and an intent or purpose of study statement.

The language requirements vary from program to program. If you want to study abroad in a country that speaks English, there are obviously no language requirements. However, many programs for study abroad do have language requirements. You may need to be majoring in the language or demonstrate a clear proficiency. Still other programs offer courses in English for participants who travel to non-English speaking countries, or students may want to enroll in a program that is focused on language acquisition.

Students who want to study overseas will need to have a fairly clear idea of what they want to do, where they want to go, and what they want to study. It takes a certain amount of advance planning to apply for, receive acceptance, and get ready for a semester or year in another country. As a general rule, each program has clear application deadlines that are not negotiable. Students should plan on making their final application packets ready about six months before they want to travel.

It's also a good idea when choosing your overseas program to find one that suits your academic needs. Since you will be studying for credit, you need to choose a program that either dovetails in with your major course of study, or that can help you fulfill your general education requirements. If you are fulfilling major obligations and not general education requirements, it's a good idea to speak to the academic advisor of your department so that you don't spend time and money on overseas study that won't help you graduate.

There are other considerations to take into account. You need to decide whether or not you want to live with a host family or in a dormitory with other students. If you are interested in participating in a program that caters largely to American students, how much interaction do you want with your peers? If you are proficient in the language of your host country, are you interested in living in an apartment on your own with little to no supervision? These are all questions that need to be seriously considered before any decisions are made about your program of study in another country.

Study abroad programs are not free, and in fact, they can be quite costly. However, there are ways to help mitigate those costs. For example, many financial aid packages like the Stafford loan can be applied to the cost of many approved study programs, depending on your school's policy regarding learning in a country not your own. Additionally, many programs offer scholarships to help defray costs for participants. There are more scholarship awards available to students who are willing to participate in programs in underdeveloped countries or that are largely centered on volunteerism by participants.

Students who participate in online course in other areas not only enrich their lives, but also their employment opportunities. According to some executives, a study abroad experience is an important factor when evaluating candidates who are seeking entry-level positions. More than 67% of surveyed executives believed that the cultural diversity experience that comes from a program overseas via online classes distinguishes job candidates from other applicants.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

How To Learn Spanish Like Crazy and Spanish Vocabulary Words

In this lesson you will learn how to learn Spanish like crazy along with some Spanish vocabulary words. You will also learn some prefixes in the target language. Let's look at some vocabulary words that begin with the prefix "des."

Deshecho - undone
Deshacer - to undo
Descubierto - uncovered
Desagradecido - ungrateful
Destapar - to uncover
Desafortunadamente - unfortunately

Note that the Spanish prefix "des" can also mean the English prefix "dis."

Desarmar - to disarm
Desaprobar - to disapprove
Desobediente - disobedient

Now here's a pitfall that you will want to avoid. And it is a mistake that I have heard more than
one English speaker make when speaking this foreing language.

The correct way to say "disrespectful" in Spanish is NOT"desrespetuoso." The correct way to say "disrespectful" in this foreign language is "irrespetuoso."

Katerine le habló a su mamá de manera irrespetuosa gritándole palabras groseras.
Katerine spoke to her mother in a disrespectful manner yelling rude words at her.

In fact, if you go to the online "diccionario" (dictionary) for the Real Academia Española (Royal Spanish Academy), the official institution responsible for regulating the Spanish language, and you search for "desrespetuoso" you will get a message that says:

"La palabra desrespetuoso no está en el Diccionario."
The word desrespetuoso is not in the Dictionary.

So don't ever say "desrespetuoso" when you should be saying "irrespetuoso" for the English word "disrespectful."

This concludes today's online Spanish lesson on how to learn Spanish like crazy along with some Spanish vocabulary words and prefixes in the Spanish language.

Pat Jackson is the Founder of Learning Spanish Like Crazy - the only learning Spanish method that teaches real authentic everyday conversational Latin American Spanish. If you would like to get FREE Instant access to the first 2 lessons of Learning Spanish Like Crazy or sign up for our FREE online interactive weekly Spanish classes, then go here now: Learn Spanish That's

Monday, October 10, 2011

Different Types of Degrees You Will Be Able to Earn Through Online College

There are many prospective students, who are looking for an option to know more about the different types of courses offered by online colleges. If you are one amongst them, this could be the right article for you. This content will help you to know about the different types of degrees you will be able to obtain online. For instance, there are many online college courses available that are mainly focusing on the areas like fashion design, financial, architecture, medicines etc. Therefore, it does not matter what type of education degree you are looking for, doing a proper research can help you to find the best options for you.

Some of the Basic Courses you will be able to do online include:

- Basic Certification Programs
- Associate Degrees
- Bachelors Degrees
- Masters Degrees
- Doctorate Degrees

Moreover, you will be able to obtain these degrees in any desired domain. There are also degrees provided by online college on some of the areas like rabbit raising, massage therapy as well as automotive engineering. However, even though you are attending the college online, you will be proved with different types of tasks and assignments by the college. Theretofore, you should complete the given tasks on time and send it to the faculty. This will help them to know about your improvement and weak points.

As online courses are helping many individuals to obtain their dream qualification, it is becoming more and more viable these days. If you search online, you will be able to find the online educational opportunities provided by some of the top colleges and institutes.

However, before you select an online college, it is very important to do a proper research and know about their experience and reputation in the market.

More information is available on They offer information on choosing an Online College, including what Online College is right for you, based on what you want to study.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Study German Abroad: How to Get the Most Out of Your Language Study Holiday

Going on a language study vacation is one of the most exciting and rewarding holidays I can think of. Plus, it's also the most effective way to learn German! Immersing yourself in the language in its natural environment will give you insights that you just can't learn back home. You'll hear German as it is spoken by everyday people on the streets. You'll hear colloquial expressions and modern-day slang, and you'll be in the perfect place to develop your skills and speak good German quickly.

To make sure you get the most out of your study holiday, there are some key things you need to do. Many students fall into some common traps that prevent them from learning German as well as they could. Since you are spending a lot of money to travel all the way to Germany, it makes sense to do it right.

#1--Choose a Good School

Do your research before selecting a language school. You should first decide which city you want to go to, and then narrow down your choices from there. The school you choose should be conveniently located and easy to get to from your accommodation. You'll also want to consider the school's reputation for teaching, as well as their flexibility in relation to study options. The more options the better. This way you can tailor your study to suit you.

#2--Choose the Right Accommodation

Your choice of accommodation is also important. Some students will enjoy a homestay, so that you can really get to know the German culture and practise speaking German with your host family. This option will not appeal to everyone though, and you may prefer to organize your own private accommodation in a nice apartment. A good language school will be able to help you with this, and most will offer additional options such as sharing with other students from the school.

#3--Go to the School

Some language schools offer you the choice of one-on-one tutoring, at the school or in your own accommodation. If you opt for the home lessons, you may find that this is very isolating. After the lessons have finished, you are on your own, and this can be quite lonely for some. In contrast, by attending the language school, you are instantly introduced to many other students from all over the world. Most students will be in a similar situation to you, and will enjoy having other students to spend time with outside of class. This is a great way to make new friends in a foreign city, and it makes your study vacation a lot more memorable and enjoyable.

#4--Ensure the Student to Teacher Ratio is Low

The size of classes is important. The school will estimate your proficiency level when you arrive, and will place you in a class with students of a similar level. This is fine, except that you won't all be at precisely the same level. So you'll want to make sure that the class isn't too big, or you'll be making slow progress. A small class with 2-3 other students is ideal, and private lessons are also a good option for those who can afford them.

#5--Balance Your Day

Tailor your day so that you get a good balance between class and leisure time. Too much class time is not good. You'll find that the lessons are really intense, since you are learning an incredible amount of new information. Your mind needs time to digest it all, and you'll also want time to relax and enjoy the city. On the other hand, too little class time will not help either. A happy medium is to have classes each morning for perhaps 3 hours in total. Then you can have the afternoon for leisure time to go and explore the city.

#6--Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

During your leisure time, you should force yourself to speak German at every opportunity. Practise what you have learned by speaking German in restaurants, cafes and in shops. For the more adventurous, head to local bars and social spots and make some new friends!

#7--Do Some Revision Every Night

At some stage during your time away from class, make a rule of doing some daily revision. This is what sets top students apart from the rest, as this extra revision really helps to lock in the new concepts that you are learning in class. It is a balancing act, and sometimes you'll just be too tired to do it, but keep reminding yourself that you've come all this way to learn German.

Take the time to plan your study holiday carefully, and you will reap the rewards. Not only will you learn German in very quick time, you'll also have an amazing holiday experience with memories to last you a lifetime!

Steve Galvin is a language teacher and owner of leading German site, which is packed with free resources for anyone wanting to speak German the fun, fast and easy way. To ensure you get off to the right start, visit our website for many more tips and resources on the best way to learn German.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Differences Between Certificate and Degree Program

There are major differences between a certificate and a degree. For example, someone looking to become a carpenter does not need to get a degree; they earn a certificate instead. However, depending upon the career being chosen in a particular field, one may need a degree so as to acquire a suitable job. A degree is desirable, and in most cases, required for the most professional jobs beyond minimum wage.

Certification Explained

In general, the completion of a certificate means that an individual has been trained and is now qualified to perform a specific job or has gained professional knowledge and experience in a certain area. Certification is usually only valid for a certain period of time and must be renewed to stay up-to-date with the raising standards, new trends and technology. A certificate is awarded upon completion of the training program from a vocational school, junior college or university.

Certifications are common in professions such as:

  • Construction
  • Health care
  • Accounting
  • Aviation

Degree Programs Explained

Degree programs, on the other hand, are the study of a core topic in a specific field. Unlike certificate programs, they have a set number of credit hours and online education course requirements that students must complete in order to earn a degree at the undergraduate or graduate level. Liberal arts courses, such as English, Mathematics, History, and Science must be completed before students are able to take specialized courses more relevant to their chosen major subject. College advisors play an important role in helping the students choose college courses and field of study.

Degree Type

Degrees come in many levels such as, Associate, Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral levels such as Master of Business Administration or Bachelors of Arts. An online associate degree takes two years to complete, a bachelors degree takes four years, which is an additional two years from the associate degree, and a masters degree consumes two additional years beyond the bachelors degree and so on. Depending on your field of study, some degree programs may require students to complete the prerequisites before entering into a program. A diploma is awarded upon completion of a college or a university degree program.

It is of great benefit to hold both a degree and professional certificate in some fields, especially if your major subject does not offer many employment options or allows for job mobility.

Friday, October 7, 2011

5 Reasons to Build Authentic Trading Rooms in a Finance College

Many business schools, and even finance-oriented high schools, across the nation are incorporating real-world digital solutions throughout their campuses and into the classrooms?a trend that reflects not only fast-technological advancements of the modern world but the impressive rate at which many of these still-new technologies are becoming cheap enough for the masses. One way to really bring the real world into a finance education environment is through the use of trading rooms.

Trading rooms are basically classrooms that are set up to mimic the atmosphere of a real world trading floor, complete with large LCD screens displaying live market data, LED tickers, multi-time zone clock displays, and more. So why build one of these rooms on your campus, and what is in it for the students?

1. Authenticity

Well, first off, a trading room is all about building that authenticity so your students feel they are already in the middle of it all. This helps to build excitement, capture attention, and harness momentum?all important aspects of the learning process. It's like the difference between playing around with an aviation video game and sitting in a professional flight simulator.

2. Learning Tools

And with that authenticity comes highly effective learning resources. Because in the most authentic trading rooms, the tools are not set up just for show. They are there for analyzing and engaging with the business world so we can learn using the same tools that the pros are learning to do business.

3. Bridge the Gap

What that does is bridge the oft-criticized gap between an education and real hands-on business experience. You don't want to send out a graduate pool of parrots into the business world?you want to produce highly-qualified hires who are capable of jumping right into the work force and putting their new skills to use. You want to produce assets for the companies that hire your students?not a person whose training must be started over from scratch.

4. High-Tech Atmosphere

Finance schools benefit from the high-tech atmosphere a digital display set up produces because people expect them to be high-tech, and nothing is more high-tech than a real-world trading floor students can engage with. Schools who are embracing this are quickly setting the standard, and your students and the public alike will never forget where they are and what your institution represents.

5. Best of the Best Image

What it all comes together to create is the image of your school among the ranks of the best of the best?at the cutting edge of finance education. This means that your authentic trading rooms not only contribute to giving your students the best education possible but also directly contribute to the next set of highly qualified academics coming in the door next year...and the year after...and the year after that.

So, as you can see, putting together one of these virtual trading floors in a finance school environment creates a host of great benefits that not only contribute to your school's effectiveness in educating the world's future business leaders but also makes it a more attractive place to learn.

Trading Rooms Are the Ultimate Solution For Bringing Your Finance School Into The Modern Business World...By Bringing the Modern Business World Into Finance School. To Learn More About Putting Together The Best Finance Lab Possible, Go to Now!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

TOEFL Speaking Training: Simple Way to Improve Your Verbal Communication

To take the TOEFL test successfully it is important that you improve your vocabulary considerably. In order to be able to use variety of words in your written as well as in your verbal communication you should pay attention to the stock of words which you have. The simplest way with which you can improve your vocabulary is by reading. Only when you read good books words get registered in your mind and you are able to use them as and when necessary. In fact as you increase your stock of words it will add to your TOEFL speaking training and the chances of you being successful in the exam also increases. There are some ways following which you can develop your TOEFL speaking training. But you need to follow these steps carefully.

As you are learning the words don't just try to memorize as some words which you need to keep in mind. Try to remember the context in which these words can be used. This can be a very effective way to remember the new words you learn. It would be even better if you try to associate the word with some picture or a particular definition. If you remember the words this way it will help you a lot when you try to make sentences with these words. It is advised that when you learn new words read them aloud and try to follow the context in which these words are used. As you do so you are able to understand the usage of these words in a better manner.

Visual dictionaries can be of great help if you try to improve your TOEFL speaking training. This is because there are many people those who learn better with the help of pictorial aids. These dictionaries are helpful in the sense that they have pictures associated with each word so that you can understand the meaning of the word in a better manner. This method can be of great use for beginners who have just started taking the vocabulary skills for the first time.

It is very good idea to improve the TOEFL speaking training with the help of a vocabulary building software. You can get hold of computer software which gives you the list of a number of English words and these words are such that they are almost certain to be present in the TOEFL test. This list will actually do the job of a tutorial. These tutorials are so very helpful that you will be able to improve your English language skill and at the same you will also be able to speak like an American. With the list you are able to remember the words easily and not only that you are given a number of exercises where you can implement your newly learnt stock of words.

Proper TOEFL speaking training is mandatory before you take the TOEFL test. In the entire training exercise you learn to make proper sentences with the new words, you are also able to write essays without any mistake. When you have a low score in the TOEFL test it should be your aim to get a higher score the next time. And in order to that you need to have a more comprehensive TOEFL speaking training. This is important because unless you have a higher score in the TOEFL test you will not be able to study in the University of your Choice. Thus it is important that you remember certain things when you prepare for such test. Keep in mind that you need to seep in the new things which you are learning and not just mug up because that way you will not be able to implement your learning properly.

Faizarul Madznan is a CEO and Founder of, a public speaking and presentation skills website. Here, you'll get tips, analysis, insights, and strategies which helps you become a more effective speaker and a more effective communicator. Need to improve your presentation? Simply click here for free public speaking ebook and video access.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Online Credit Recovery May Increase Graduation Among High School Students

National high school graduation rates linger around only 70 percent. Pressure from the government on school districts to raise this standard has sparked an increase in national use of online credit recovery programs, which allow students to enroll in online courses to retake and receive credit for failed high school classes.

Previously, students who failed classes had to retake them in summer school, or repeat an entire grade the following school year. But, with a high demand created by the push for improved graduation rates, companies that offer online courses, such as Pearson and Kaplan, have taken the opportunity to cash in.

Similar to online higher education courses, high school credit recovery programs allow students to work at their own pace and complete assignments from any computer with Internet access. This type of environment can potentially help those students who struggle in a traditional classroom setting.

Susan Patrick, president of the International Association for K-12 Online Learning estimates that more than 250,000 students are taking online courses to recover lost credits. Online learning in grades K-12 is available to students in 46 states, as well as the District of Columbia, and credit recovery makes up "one of the fastest growing segments of the $2 billion digital-learning market for elementary and secondary students."

The U.S. Department of Education backs online credit recovery programs due to support for the use of technology in education and the opportunity it presents to students. Karen Cator, director of the Office of Educational Technology considers such programs an important step "towards improving the opportunity for more students to graduate."

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

5 Powerful Digital Solutions for Bringing That High-Tech Atmosphere to a Business School

Digital technology introduces a myriad of different ways for many kinds of institutions to better communicate with their market as well as streamline their processes, and one of the types of institutions we've really seen embrace this is educational institutions. But nowhere is that more apparent and effective than a business or finance school. The reason is because a business school needs to create that high-tech atmosphere so when students and members of the public walk on campus, they instantly feel they are in an environment at the cutting edge of modern business.

So let's look at 5 different ways we can harness this digital technology to bring that high-tech atmosphere into play.

1. Digital directory

One way to harness that appeal that really capitalizes on the resourcefulness of digital tech is a digital directory. These directories are set up to help people who may not be familiar with the campus find their way around. It shows them where they can find important campus locations or specific faculty members.

And a major benefit of this is it cuts down on the need for wasteful interactions with staff when they are not needed. Time saved is money saved, and that money can be diverted back into making your educational facility as effective as possible.

2. Digital Bulletin Board

Another great cutting edge solution is the digital bulletin board. These can be used to make announcements or display key information. But in the case of a business school, where we are really shooting for that high-tech financial atmosphere while we prepare students for the business world, it pays well to have the bulletin board also display live market data. It all goes toward your institutional "brand."

3. Recognize Important Figures

Digital Donor Recognition Boards offer an amazing way to highlight key figures in your school's success and further saturate your school in a high-tech aura. These types of boards can be used to recognize founders, donors, alumni?the choice is really yours. And the interactive nature of these displays allows users to find their own way through the display, as if reading a story about your institution.

4. Program Information

The essence of your school is really learning, isn't it? And interactive digital signage is also great for displaying program information, where students can take a detailed look at what to expect from certain courses or different academic paths, using touch-tone technology to flip through the options of their choice as if turning the pages of a high-tech catalog. No paper needed...

5. Finance Lab

Finally, a finance lab offers an amazing atmosphere where learning can be brought to the max. A collection of different digital solutions can be used to put together the ultimate business learning environment, bringing your students right into the world they are preparing to enter and putting the world's most high-tech finance tools right at their fingerprints.

This is really just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the solutions digital technology can provide for business education facilities.

Are You Interested In Learning More About Setting Up a High Tech Environment At Your School Using Top-Notch Digital Technology? Learn More About Digital Directories, Donor Recognition Boards, and Finance Labs at

Monday, October 3, 2011

Learning Mandarin - What a Modern Curriculum Needs

Learning Mandarin is not the as hard as most people will tell you. I know because I have done it. The people that say it is near impossible have failed, not because it is impossible, but perhaps because they thought it was impossible, or perhaps because the way that they tried to learn Mandarin was too boring, too inefficient or too unfocused. I will now identify the three greatest barriers to making learning Mandarin interesting, efficient and targeted, and explain my view on how to overcome each.

To illustrate my point I would like to make an analogy to modern medicine. Twenty to thirty years ago doctors used to only treat the stomach if a patient complained about stomach pains. Today there is not partition of systems when treating a patient. Medicine has recognized that the body is interconnected in a way that pure determinism can never hope to capture. If a patient comes in today and complains of stomach pains, one of the first five questions a doctor asks is whether they are busy at work, the reason being that the number one cause of stomach problems

The nature of your studies needs to be similarly holistic. The best way to make your studies interesting is to make them efficient and targeted, because it is progress that makes your learning process feel meaningful. For your mandarin studies to become efficient, you must enjoy you studies, so that you are able to work hard, and they need to be properly target, otherwise you are working hard in a direction that you are not aiming to go. Lastly the very definition of targeted mandarin studies is a process in which you peruse this goal by focusing on relevant content in a structured way.

Now, the three top killers of the kind of holistic process that I am describing above is, in order, bad pronunciation, a flood of generally relevant content, as opposed to personally relevant content, and lastly lack of teacher to student face-to-face time. Now that we have identified the illness we should discuss a remedy. I propose a three-thronged approach.

The first thing we should fix is class size. During the major rise of crime in The United States during the 70's, 80's and 90's the best and the brightest minds of the government wrestled with solutions to crime prevention. Fantastically complex technology was devised and far reaching and multi-complex sociological systems were researched but at the end of the day, one thing stood out as more important than any other. The amount of cops on the street is the only variable that has direct correlation. Twice as many cops leads to twice the ability to police. The key to making mandarin studies interesting therefore starts with this first, one truth. More teachers make for better result in any classroom.

The second thing we should fix is the focus on testable results. What people score on a test is not a perfect measure of success and it should never be put before actual progress because good tests score looks good. That is a pretty bold statement, but it is true in my mind that there is a trade off between HSK performance and actual mandarin usability. Instead of targeting HSK tests, classes should be focused on making students ready to leave the nest and start communicating by them selves. For this, class time should be more devoted on bettering student's pronunciation than it is in most schools today. The aim should be to get people speaking quickly. A small class size, which inherently is a much better environment for individual pointers, holds the key to accomplishing the switch from result oriented to success oriented curricula.

Lastly, we should give students the ability to not only be learning mandarin as a general topic but also be learning the aspects mandarin that suits them most. This, however, is a science by itself and the prescribed length of this entry cannot really survive a detailed discussing on this complex topic.

Instead, to conclude - learning mandarin not easy but it is far far from impossible. The only people that will tell you that is impossible is either people that have not tried, or people that have tried in a way that does not lead to motivation and relevant and interesting real life results.

Rui Ming works for a Mandarin language Academy in Beijing that is a great option for those that want to learn Chinese. If you are interested in more information about learning Chinese in China, please consult the website of Beijing Gateway Academy.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

For-Profits Reworking Business Models and Admittance Standards

In an attempt to polish an image tarnished by controversy, for-profit colleges and universities across the nation are amending their business models and enforcing stricter admittance standards for students. The reputation of the for-profit education sector has taken a hit in recent months due to federal probes that uncovered faulty recruiting practices, poor job placement and below average student loan repayment at many of the schools. Now, instead of "courting any student who can pay the tab," for-profit colleges and universities are buckling down, tightening their belts, and hoping that, by revising long-standing, controversial recruiting and admittance practices, new U.S.D.E. regulations won't decimate eligibility for federal funding.

Of the many problems for-profits have been experiencing, lack of adequate career services and low student loan repayment seem to be at the forefront. The allure of many for-profit colleges and universities lies in the career and student services that are offered. For-profit students rely on these services in order to complete a degree and successfully secure employment upon graduation. But, says Jerry Rohde, one for-profit graduate, the services actually offered at many for-profit schools are far less than adequate. And, he says, lack of appropriate services is just one way that for-profit colleges and universities are ultimately failing their students.

Rohde graduated from ITT Technical Institute, a for-profit school with over 100 ground campuses and online degree programs. Rohde tried to utilize the school's career services to find a job and was instead given want ads. And, he says, when he couldn't immediately secure employment post graduation, career services administrators told him to "blame it on the economy." Now, Rohde works for a mortgage company because it's the only way to make payments on the "$40,000 loan I took out to pay my tuition bills."

Although for-profit colleges and universities were quick to fight back when initial U.S.D.E. reports surfaced and new regulations were formulated, the schools are now working with federal officials and school administrators to improve policies so that, experiences like Rohde's, become less and less common. In fact, for profits are now ensuring that measures are taken to effectively retain and successfully graduate qualified students. The University of Phoenix, one of the for-profit sector's largest universities, recently implemented a mandatory orientation program that students are required to take in order to gauge readiness for a higher education curriculum. Many other for-profits schools, both online and ground, are tightening admittance policies and standards. Some for-profit schools will no longer accept student without a high school diploma, others have created programs that help to weed out potentially "unsuccessful students."

Jerry Rohde's lackluster experience with one for profit schools career services, unfortunately, isn't the first. That's why the for-profit sector is working to change the services offered to students and graduates. By focusing on improving student retention and graduation rates, career and student services and job placement and loan repayment rates, the for profit sector will not only be able to preserve federal funding opportunities, they'll also be able to offer their students the quality of education they need and deserve.