To take the TOEFL test successfully it is important that you improve your vocabulary considerably. In order to be able to use variety of words in your written as well as in your verbal communication you should pay attention to the stock of words which you have. The simplest way with which you can improve your vocabulary is by reading. Only when you read good books words get registered in your mind and you are able to use them as and when necessary. In fact as you increase your stock of words it will add to your TOEFL speaking training and the chances of you being successful in the exam also increases. There are some ways following which you can develop your TOEFL speaking training. But you need to follow these steps carefully.
As you are learning the words don't just try to memorize as some words which you need to keep in mind. Try to remember the context in which these words can be used. This can be a very effective way to remember the new words you learn. It would be even better if you try to associate the word with some picture or a particular definition. If you remember the words this way it will help you a lot when you try to make sentences with these words. It is advised that when you learn new words read them aloud and try to follow the context in which these words are used. As you do so you are able to understand the usage of these words in a better manner.
Visual dictionaries can be of great help if you try to improve your TOEFL speaking training. This is because there are many people those who learn better with the help of pictorial aids. These dictionaries are helpful in the sense that they have pictures associated with each word so that you can understand the meaning of the word in a better manner. This method can be of great use for beginners who have just started taking the vocabulary skills for the first time.
It is very good idea to improve the TOEFL speaking training with the help of a vocabulary building software. You can get hold of computer software which gives you the list of a number of English words and these words are such that they are almost certain to be present in the TOEFL test. This list will actually do the job of a tutorial. These tutorials are so very helpful that you will be able to improve your English language skill and at the same you will also be able to speak like an American. With the list you are able to remember the words easily and not only that you are given a number of exercises where you can implement your newly learnt stock of words.
Proper TOEFL speaking training is mandatory before you take the TOEFL test. In the entire training exercise you learn to make proper sentences with the new words, you are also able to write essays without any mistake. When you have a low score in the TOEFL test it should be your aim to get a higher score the next time. And in order to that you need to have a more comprehensive TOEFL speaking training. This is important because unless you have a higher score in the TOEFL test you will not be able to study in the University of your Choice. Thus it is important that you remember certain things when you prepare for such test. Keep in mind that you need to seep in the new things which you are learning and not just mug up because that way you will not be able to implement your learning properly.
Faizarul Madznan is a CEO and Founder of, a public speaking and presentation skills website. Here, you'll get tips, analysis, insights, and strategies which helps you become a more effective speaker and a more effective communicator. Need to improve your presentation? Simply click here for free public speaking ebook and video access.
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