Part of any college program are the general education classes. Students are required to complete these classes before moving onto more specialized courses in their major. Usually, general education classes focus on the foundations of learning - topics such as the sciences, mathematics and reading and writing.
Almost always, colleges require that students complete a course called English Composition. This course usually counts for several credits and focuses primarily on both reading and writing skills. Students across the nation have the opportunity to complete this course as part of their college degree.
Despite the popularity of the English Composition courses in college curriculum, many students find themselves worrying and stressed about completing the class. It seems to be a common theme that students have no interest or desire in composition. In fact, most students would probably rather skip the class entirely than have to have anything to do with it.
Many students feel this way because the idea of reading and writing for an entire semester sounds overwhelming. However, an English Comp class doesn't have to be that intimidating! Believe it or not, you do an amazing amount of reading and writing in your day-to-day life already.
Many students feel unprepared for the class because they don't dedicate a lot of time in their daily lives to reading regularly. Studies have found that any reading at all actually improves your comprehension skills and your actual reading ability. This means that the time you spend flipping through magazines or reading online is actually helping prepare you for English Composition class.
You may not be penning missives on a daily basis either, but you're probably doing a fair amount of writing. Even the text messages you send and the posts you make on Facebook count as a form of writing. Next time you sit down to type or tap out a paragraph, double check it and try to use correct spelling and punctuation - the practice will be helpful as soon as you're enrolled in class!
Finishing a composition class will assist you not only in your personal life, but also your academic life and your future career. You'll find you will have an easier time communicating clearly. The skills you hone in your English Comp class will definitely assist you throughout the rest of your academic career, too, as you'll undoubtedly spend lots of time composing essays and writing for projects and assignments.
An English Composition class is nothing to be afraid of, especially since it's essentially a requirement for college graduation across the nation. Simply look at your daily interactions as practice for the class and soon you'll be ready to take it as a traditional or online college course. Every interaction you have via text is a chance to practice and look forward to your experience in the class. Realizing the benefit you'll receive from the class will help make the course easier for you to pass, as well!
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