Sunday, January 23, 2011

Criminal Justice Degrees - What Career Options Are Available?

Edward Gibbon once said that "History is indeed little more than the register of the crimes, follies and misfortunes of mankind." This could not be a truer statement and is the reason why criminal justice is a fast growing and much needed career field. If you are considering getting a criminal justice degree, you may want to know what career options are available to you after graduation.

TV shows, like CSI and NCIS, have made crime scene investigation one of the top jobs currently. Just as the name implies, CSIs go to crime scenes in search of clues as to what has happened. The crime could be anything from assaults, burglaries, and homicides, just to name a few. Some CSIs choose to specialize in one type of crime or field, such as ballistics, firearms, or fingerprints.

Many criminal justice majors also enter into the correctional system as a corrections officer. This position involves watching over criminals who are spending time in jails, reformatories, or penitentiaries. They prevent escapes and ensure the safety of inmates and other workers at the jail.

A very important criminal justice career is that of a probation or parole officer. They oversee those criminals granted release or parole from prison and those criminals that were sentenced to probation by the court system. This position requires an interesting mix of skills. Not only do probation officers ensure the security of the public, they also rehabilitate criminals that have been given a second chance.

It is important that you look into your career aspirations prior to enrolling in a criminal justice program. This will ensure that you pick the correct program for your desired career path.

As a writer for Game Degree Online and PhD Degree Online, the editor reviews hundreds supplies and products online.

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