If you are confused about how to learn to properly speak and write English, you don't have to be confused any longer. There are ways for you to learn proper skills and speak English well whether in business or informal settings. One of the first things you should consider is finding a qualified instructor that can work with you frequently either online or in a classroom. Learning English online is now more convenient and effective with programs like Skye that allow learners to converse with their instructors through the internet by speaking as well as through written words.
It's a good idea to seek formal English training from an experienced teacher or tutor who can explain and teach you English. You will need to decide how fast you want to try and progress with your English skills. The more you practice reading, writing, and speaking English, the more of the new vocabulary, grammar, and usage you will begin to retain and be able to employ more comfortably. If you can only study with an instructor once or twice a week for a few hours, that is fine, but you need to still do some practice on your own time and realize that your progress will be slower than someone who is practicing and receiving instruction every day or for several hours every other day.
To learn to speak English properly, you will have to be willing to make a few mistakes and not take yourself too seriously. English has a lot of exceptions to its basic rules that frustrate new learners, but over time, you will ingrain those exceptions and know how to use them. You should spend time not only with a formal instructor but also with friends or people who can simply have random and informal conversations with you. Maybe you could walk to the market during your lunch hour and identify foods in English and practice purchasing goods in English.
There will be a lot of repetition when you start learning English. You may use flash cards or other oral drills to start each class session to warm up for your lesson. This repetition is important because your brain will start to automatically recognize words, meanings, pronunciations, and when to use them when you practice over and over. You should not be afraid to ask your instructor questions about something if you don't understand. Much of what you will learn continues to build on the material that came before it.
Grace Rimando
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