Getting an education is a wonderful thing, but it can be quite costly. Unfortunately, rising tuition costs hinder some students' ability to enroll in college classes. There is help if you look for it in the right places. Free college courses are being offered online by many major universities, even Ivy League schools!
Participating institutions broadcast their online lectures over the Internet for free to anyone who would like to view them. Subject areas vary greatly, so you can find a course that interests you most. If you are currently undeclared with your major, you may want to view a few lectures in an area or two (or ten!) of interest before you decide to enroll for credit and spend your money on something you may not enjoy, or that may not count towards your final degree.
These courses at no charge do not count for college credit. What they can do is offer insight into what taking a college course is really like. High school students can watch lectures and understand the demands of college, as well as get a feel for the format of the courses.
Even if you are not looking to earn your degree, watching lectures from highly educated individuals on a subject manner that you find particularly fascinating is a great way to further your knowledge. Perhaps you are a photography buff who spends free time capturing special moments with your loved ones, or the scenery around you. You may have no formal training in the subject matter, but watching online courses in photography may help you brush up on your skills; you can also pick up some great techniques for free!
If you are more interested in college courses that will provide you with credit that will count towards your degree, there are scholarship programs out there that can allow you to take college courses for free. Search for programs that are specific to your major, or area of interest to get started. Or, visit your financial aid office for more details.
Online courses are a great way to earn your degree and keep a flexible schedule. If you work full time it may be hard to find the time to take classes at night or to take the time off of work to attend classes. Finding scholarships to pay for these less traditional courses may be easy if you have the time to search.
If you have searched for scholarships and did not find any that applied to you specifically, or still need to come up with more money to cover your costs, student loans can help bridge the gap. You can apply for federal or private student loans to pay for your education if you have run out of free financial aid.
These trial offers are a great way to get a head start on your education, or to test the waters to see what subjects you might be most interested in before you commit any funds. Think of the coin for these classes as free college money; after all, isn't that what scholarships are also? Whether you are a new or returning student, college courses can seem overwhelming. Viewing lectures and getting a feel for college is a great way to get ahead for free.
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