Thursday, May 26, 2011

Interactive Whiteboard Resources for Teachers

Interactive Whiteboards (IWBs) are a nice way for teachers to actively engage classrooms. These tools have proved cost effective and internet has loads of free resources to help the teachers learn on how to use.

Many websites on the internet provide several lesson plans and various activities that can be used in the classroom. The sites feature many resources to use with IWBs in subjects like geometry, geography, music and many more. This site for whiteboard users also features tutorials, interactive websites, and software which make it easy for the teachers.

You may also find many web pages that have several interactive math games which are specifically designed for the Smart Board. These games are normally used by the class teachers to engage the entire classroom and make it more interactive.

Teachers can use huge world maps to explore different parts of the world on these flat Interactive boards and provide a clear understanding to the students on the big colour screen. The IWBs can be used in various ways at all levels starting from the primary to the high schools.

Many parts of the world are running some contests or challenges where people create videos and/or presentations about how an IWB can be used in the classroom. The best are selected and are made available for the teachers globally. These presentation packs are being helpful at all levels. Like few may have used the Smart Board for a long time but still think it can be used in a better way. Some of them might have used it few times but are not very comfortable or even for those who have never used the Whiteboard. Internet has not only brought the world closer but it has been of great help to share good things internationally.

If you are looking for a wide range of Free Teacher Resources, please check out the Promethean Planet website. Teaching resources, teaching software and Interactive Whiteboard Resources are available.

The Promethean Planet site also contains a huge range of Free Teaching resources

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