Saturday, September 17, 2011

Nature Versus Nurture? Psychology Fields It All

There are many reasons to choose to be a psychology major. Many students who choose a course of study in psychology are often students who are fascinated with how the mind works and why people do the interesting things they do. One requirement to being a psychology major is to take a course that is known as Introduction to Psychology. This course is designed to educate students on the many different ways in which psychology has evolved throughout the years, in addition to teaching students about the many different people who have helped psychology evolve to the state it is in today.

There are quite a few contributors to the field who are responsible for the many different theories and ideas that permeate psychology today. These people will be covered in the introductory course, however, they will not be covered to the depth they require because the problem that comes with an introductory course is that there is so much to cover in a short period of time. Two important people that will be profiled in Intro to Psychology are Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung.

Sigmund Freud is considered to be the "Father of Modern Psychology" due to the voluminous contributions he has made to the study of psychology. Some of Freud's most famous contributions to the field are his pioneering work in dream analysis, the Id, Ego and Superego, and the contribution of the Oedipal Complex to psychological development. Freud is still as controversial today as he was during his lifetime.

Carl Jung is someone who took Freud's work on dream analysis to another level. Introduction to Psychology students will learn about the great deal of variety within Jung's life, as well as his contributions to the field of psychoanalysis. Jung is responsible for the theory of individuation, and that remains a concept that is important for students in the Intro to Psych course to learn.

There are thousands of different theories that govern the study of psychology. Students who are enrolled in this intro course will learn about the many different theories that are out there because of the survey nature of this class. There are many different theories that students will learn and some of the more important points of study students will encounter are the debate on nature versus nature, as well as the nature of abnormal psychology.

Nature versus nurture is the idea that the development of the individual is dependent on either the environment in which a child is raised or the genetic coding within one's DNA. Many people who support the idea of nature believe that in order for someone to develop certain behaviors and intellect it must be genetic. Others believe that one's environment is the deciding factor.

There are many different disorders that make up the study of abnormal psychology. Many students who are interested in abnormal psychology will learn about schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder and dissociative disorder within this introductory program.

Students who are new to the college experience, especially those who are busy with work, will appreciate that they can take a psychology course online. And this isn't the only one. There's a college course online for nearly every subject. The careerist getting a degree to advance, as well as the student fresh out of high school, will enjoy the convenience as they explore the interesting and intriguing world of psychology.

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